📐 graphing tangent lines to two circles
A system of equations for the lines tangent to two circles on the coordinate plane.
A system of equations for the lines tangent to two circles on the coordinate plane.
Recordings of a talk i gave about password security and automating targeted password guesses using GPT-3.
I fine-tuned GPT-3 on the lyrics of 96 MF DOOM songs to write lyrics in his style. Then, i cloned his voice to a text-to-voice model to make him rap them.
An overview of the issues about the progress of artificial intelligence that are relevant to local regulators.
If you're organizing a social event, I strongly recommend that you structure it in a way that encourages small group discussions over large ones.
I propose the "2/3 rule" for multi-factor authentication: to access a system, a user must pass at least two out of three possible methods for authentication. Unlike standard 2-factor authentication, this strategy protects against both false positives (granting access to a hacker) and false negatives (denying access to a legitimate user).
Links to websites that help you navigate the cyberspace and overcome obstacles to truth.